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Intimacy crystals for your unique Self Love Journey





I offer courses in English and some Spanish.

Hello, I'm so grateful to offer experiential education to my fellow sisters. As a mother of three, an athlete and a healer I've been using gemstones for toning health for over two decades. In the last three years I've introduced and been successful in using the yoni crystals for healing trauma, relaxing and toning. In my professional work I'm claresentient mainly, meaning I feel the areas in my clients that need addressed. I also am clareaudient as the guides allow me to further nurture health in my clients. I offer wholistic women's workshops where we weave yoga, Pilates, mediation, womb massage, herbal women's support, recipes for hormone health and more. I have recently shifted from using the rose quartz yoni crystal (so lovely and opening) to the jade. This recent addition of Jade has brought forth much healing to the scar tissue of my body and abundance.

I offer teachings in massage, yoga, Pilates, mediations and lifestyle at my office in Stowe and through local fitness and yoga studios. My style is genuine and unique as I have been blessed with linking the modern medical massage model with pelvic floor breath work, core stability training, yoga asanas and mediations.


Phone Number: 802 683 1361

Social Media: @Wellnesswithgianna